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Writer's pictureRyan Brown

Announce Life To It

Announce life to it, that I may restore it. Enoch 10:10

There is a principle in scripture to announce life to the things you care about, so that the Spirit may restore it. In today's post we'll explore the idea of speaking life to our cares and concerns.

The power of life

The ocean's waves crashing against the shore, an example of the power of life in nature.

The Father has life in himself, and he has granted that same life-giving power to his Son.
John 5:26

John 5 says that the Father has life in himself, and he has given that same power (or spirit) to his Son. I believe this is talking about the Holy Spirit, or the Spirit of Life. John 20 confirms to us that Jesus breathed on his disciples, and they received the Holy Spirit (Spirit of Life).

So according to the New Testament if you believe in the Son, you are able to ask and receive the power/Spirit of Life. Jesus himself said that this is the only work that God wants from you: to believe in the Son he has sent (John 6:29). If you choose to believe in the Son, you can ask Jesus to give you the power of life, and then proceed to announce life to your circumstances. Have a need? Announce life to it. See someone struggling in their life situation? Prophesy life over it so that God can restore it to peace and prosperity.

Ezekiel and the dry bones

Ezekiel's vision of the dry bones supports the principle of announcing life so God can restore

Then he said to me, "Prophesy over these bones, and tell them: 'Dry bones, hear the word of Yahuah... Look, I am about to infuse breath into you, and you will live.'"
Ezekiel 37:4-5

Ezekiel had a vision of the Father telling him to announce to a bunch of dried-up bones that Yahuah was about to breathe life into them, and they would live again. I believe the vision was about the nation of Israel becoming alive again in the world at a later time. Even still, the principle being taught here is that the disciples of Yahuah need to announce what God will do before he does it. Amos 3 supports this by telling us that God does nothing without first revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. Amos also says, "Yahuah has spoken! Who can refuse to prophesy?"

Jeremiah, another prophet of God confirms, "Sometimes I think, 'I will make no mention of his message. I will not speak as his messenger anymore.' But then his word becomes like a fire locked up inside of me, burning in my heart and soul. I grow weary of trying to hold it in; I cannot contain it.".

Words have creative power

King Solomon, the wisest man to ever live, understood the creative power of our words.
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love its use will eat its fruit.
Proverbs 18:21

King Solomon is the author of the Old Testament proverbs. He stated that our words (our tongues) have the power of life and death, and those who love to talk will deal with the fruit (consequences) of their words. So speak words of life not death! Positive helpful words not negative critical words. Especially when it comes to your own life. If you speak negatively about your life situation, you're right. If you speak thankfulness and peace about your life, you're right.

Tribulations will always be a part of our lives on earth and it's healthy to talk about our difficulties to those we trust. Let's not stop there though, we can always find a few simple things to be grateful for once we vent our complaints.

Psalm 10 references how an evil person's mouth is full of curses and deceptive, harmful words; his tongue injures and destroys. Yes, the bible states that our words have the power to harm, injure and destroy. If that's true then the opposite is also true: our words have the power to benefit, heal and build up. Let's choose to be a benefit to God, others and ourselves with our words.


I hope today's message on the power of our words, and announcing life to all situations has been helpful. I'll end this post by practicing what I'm preaching:

I announce life to your spiritual development in Christ. I prophesy that the Spirit of Life will continue to benefit your mental and physical health, financial needs, and relationships. If you're unwell right now as you read this, I announce perfect peace and prosperity to you so that Yahuah can restore it. Cheers friends.

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