For many are called, but few are chosen.
Matthew 22:14
Jesus once said that many are called, but few are chosen. I interpret this as meaning that all of humanity is called from the darkness of this world. Not all answer the call, but those who choose the light, themselves become chosen by the light.
In the bible there is a principle of being anointed for God's calling before we are actually appointed to that position. He knows how to get us through the preparation and process. From start to finish. God understands how to anoint us with a vision that reaches far into our future. He tells us ahead of time so we know it is his will and we can trust the process he is leading us through - even though it can be scary and painful at times.
The Vision
And Yahuah asked me, "What do you see, Amos?"...
Amos 7:8
It was the autumn of 2013 and I had just arrived at work when I received a vision of Jesus. In this vision I saw myself reaching out to grab the edge of his garment. He stopped as he felt me holding onto him. He turned around to me and raised his hand to my face without saying a word. I saw in my mind's eye the word 'CEO' (Chief Executive Officer). Then the vision ended.
I felt strange as I had never experienced something like that before. I chose to believe the vision at the time even though I had no previous desire to be a CEO of a company. I was content in my career as an employee to a corporation. I thought it was curious and continued on with my day.
Three years later I was at a company dinner where I was being recognized for my ten years of employment with the company. My Superintendent called me up to the front of the room to give a speech about me. As I stood there in front of everyone he said, "If there's one word to describe Ryan - it's CEO." At the moment he spoke those words I felt like anointing oil was being poured out onto my head. It was surreal! I remembered the vision immediately from three years prior. God had definitely seized my attention now.
Fast forward another seven years and I received a dream. In my dream a woman wearing a business suit began speaking to me suddenly. I was startled as she said, "We have a plan to make you an executive, we do this all the time." I noticed she was wearing a name tag that read Samena. She had a baby blue or light grey suit on. She had shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes. She seemed confident and trust worthy. In my heart I thought this sounds too good to be true, but I told her I accept what she's saying.
Four months after the dream an opportunity arose at work that would make me a CEO of my own corporation. I was unsure that I wanted it but I knew in my heart that this is what God's plan was for my life. So I took the opportunity.
David Anointed as King
Yahuah said, "Go and anoint him. This is the one!" So Samuel took the horn of olive oil and anointed him...
1 Samuel 16:12-13
David was chosen by God to be King of Israel. Being chosen doesn't mean that you become appointed immediately on a whim. There are years of preparation and character development that are essential to the process. In David's case he was anointed twice before finally being appointed as king. The first time he was anointed was by a single man - a prophet of God. It's funny because if you read 1 Samuel 16 everyone else in David's life had over looked him. They thought he would'nt amount to much in life, never mind be a King. So even after being chosen by the prophet of God, David went back to his mundane life as a shepherd boy looking after a few sheep in the wilderness - far away from the capital and the palace life.
The second time David was anointed king was years later, and this time by the leadership of Judah. David was well known by this time as a leader of men and the slayer of Goliath the giant. His years spent shepherding had taught him discipline and courage, saving the lives of his sheep from lion and bear attacks. He was prepared for glory by the time he challenged Goliath. He knew his God would deliver the giant just like the lions and bears before - when no one was watching.
Finally, in God's perfect timing, David stood in the capital city Hebron and was not only anointed, but was appointed as King of Israel.
The scriptures hold so much truth and encouragement in their pages. Looking at my own life I can see how God's process of anointing me twice before appointing me into my destiny was his plan all along. This is what he does - gives us a hope for our future. A purpose for our lives. I am excited for the journey ahead but it has been a time of trials and tribulations to be sure. I just keep telling myself that, "God, I chose to believe in your plan. So I trust you to never abandon me. Help me to walk on the water with you.".
Cheers friends.