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Writer's pictureRyan Brown

Going The Extra Mile

And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two.
Matthew 5:41

There is a principle in the scriptures of 'going the extra mile'. Jesus said if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two. I believe this teaches us to give more than we have to in life. It teaches us to have a spirit that says, 'What can I do to benefit the world' rather than, 'What can the world do to benefit me'.

We are apart of a world that needs our best. Our lives have significance. We have God given talents that are meant to bless others. Our work ethic has spiritual purpose.

The example I'd like to go over today from scripture is of Rebekah going the extra mile.

Rebekah waters the camels

When she had done so, she said, "I'll draw water for your camels too, until they have drunk as much as they want."
Genesis 24:19

In the book of Genesis there was a rich man who sent his servant on a mission to find a wife for his son. He sent his servant on a long journey to his home land and gave his servant ten camels carrying all kinds of gifts for the brides family. The servant swore he would carry out the task and once he had arrived in his master's homeland, he prayed to God to give him a sign. His prayer was for God to bring the correct woman to the spring he was at. The sign was when the servant asked the woman to please draw some water for him to drink, she would reply with, "Drink, and I'll give your camels water too."

Sure enough a young woman named Rebekah came to the well with her jug. The rich man's servant asked her for a sip of water and she replied, "Drink, and I'll draw water for your camels too, until they have drunk as much as they want.". Then she ran back and forth from the spring to the watering trough until the camels were satisfied. Notice how she ran instead of dragging her feet? She didn't have to run. She didn't even have to help this stranger and his ten camels, but she went the extra mile and did it anyway. I don't know much about camels but I've read online that camels are able to drink up to 75 liters of water at a time! These ten camels had just arrived at a well spring after a long journey, so it's safe to assume they were thirsty. It's reasonable to say that Rebekah had to draw up 750 liters of water to satisfy those camels.

After God had fulfilled the sign for the rich man's servant, Rebekah was chosen to become the son's bride. She accepted and entered into her new life. She was now an extremely wealthy woman who probably never had to draw water again in her life. Her choosing to go the extra mile in serving others had allowed her to step into her inheritance that God had planned for her. Colossians 3:23-24 says, "Whatever you are doing, work at it with enthusiasm, as to Yahuah and not for people, because you know that you will receive your inheritance from Yahuah as the reward...". When we choose to go the extra mile in life we are choosing to obey God's ways. He will reward us with our inheritance when the time is right.


The world's culture can sometimes teach us a spirit of selfishness. I've heard songs literally say - 'F you, pay me' and things like that. The world teaches a very self centered attitude that I believe leads to greed and laziness. These are not the ways of God. Neither of those attitudes will benefit you or the world you live in. Choosing a lifestyle of going the extra mile will bear good fruit in your life if you don't give up. You will inherit the great destiny God has for your life because you have proven your character and blessed the world with your work ethic. That is my prayer for you today. Cheers friends.

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